Friday, October 5, 2012

N.P Dream House (Kitchen)

Kitchen Complete View
                                                           Kitchen Complete View 2
                                                          Kitchen Complete View 3
                                                                     Kitchen View 1
                                                                      Kitchen View 2
                                                                      Kitchen View 3
                                                                    Kitchen View 4

Friday, May 25, 2012


Car Model

                                           Car model i made in rhino for a project in bryce

Thursday, May 17, 2012

This desert was quite easy to make since i only place in rolling hills but it looked best like this was my opinion

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

My bottom Room

 Front of my room its a old water tower so it slopes up its hard to hang things but its my own place.
 This is the right side ? the stairs are really high i think my brother and father were drunk when they did these

this is basicly my game room i have everything i want down here a fridge,books,T.V,game's and my
Xbox 360 the in this picture it looks a lot nicer then it really is it is crowded a bit and a normal guys room
so its mostly clean.

Forest Map 1

I started this around the beginning of may i think and tried to make it look really good it came out pretty well
I Changed the trees and tried to change the different kinds however it doesn't seem to look different i created some lily pads in rhino and added a flower to some from turbo squid i also place some vegetation around the waters edge and add some frogs, I also imported a bridge from turbo squid and had to make a custom stair case for it in rhino ultimately i think it came out well the grass however i could not get to work very well.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I finished my bottom room but haven't finished top but i wanted to get away from rhino a bit so i tried adobe flash cant remember anything about it so i wont have some projects up for the last two weeks srry Griff
i want to try and create a nice looking project since all of my previous work is junk im going to take as much time as i can with my new project in Bryce and hopefully get something worthy out of it so far it looks pretty good but i need to learn a lot more about Bryce i wish we had time to go over everything in it tho i would like to try a program that is used in the making of game maps and learn about that no offense to bryce its good but i don't think they use that for it or maybe they do and i just suck oh well you know what i mean so i will try to get the project in to u and sorry for not keeping up with the updates as well

Monday, April 2, 2012

Week 4

Monday:Worked on fan some more
Tuesday:Finished textures on the fan

Wednesday: started putting things in my room
Thursday:continued to place things in my room and started some stairs
Friday: Worked more on stairs and finished started on door

Week 3

Monday: Continued on books again
Tuesday:Finished books
Wednesday: worked on a tv stand
Thursday: finished tv stand

Friday: worked on a fan

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Week Projects

Monday: worked some more on books and game cases in my room project
Tuesday: worked with different textures on books and made a couch in my room
Wednesday: took a break from room and started on a gun case
Thursday:Continued on the gun case and started on texturs
Friday:Finished textures

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Week projects

Monday: worked on my gun added some booleian differences
Tuesday:Worked on textures and gloss
Wednesday:Finished gun Realized i saved over my cannon and remade it
Thursday: Started back on my xbox 360 and fixed the vents and cd drive
Friday: Finished textures and the on buttons and lights