Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I finished my bottom room but haven't finished top but i wanted to get away from rhino a bit so i tried adobe flash cant remember anything about it so i wont have some projects up for the last two weeks srry Griff
i want to try and create a nice looking project since all of my previous work is junk im going to take as much time as i can with my new project in Bryce and hopefully get something worthy out of it so far it looks pretty good but i need to learn a lot more about Bryce i wish we had time to go over everything in it tho i would like to try a program that is used in the making of game maps and learn about that no offense to bryce its good but i don't think they use that for it or maybe they do and i just suck oh well you know what i mean so i will try to get the project in to u and sorry for not keeping up with the updates as well

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